The day has come, IVF egg transfer #1 results are in… I answer the phone and it’s the FIRM letting us know that embryo 5AB stuck! We are pregnant! Immediately I tear up as my husband embraces me. The endless shots, various medications, numerous Dr. visits and emotional/physical stress has come to this one moment of happiness.
So many thoughts fill my mind as I have successfully detoxed the home…
from throwing out toxic candles, air fresheners, switching out our hand soaps, to EWG-certified body wash, shampoos & conditioners, bought goat milk soaps, non-toxic laundry pods and dryer sheets (the laundry room is the most toxic place in the household in the average American home) stayed clear of my fragrance perfumes/ husband has reduced his use to cologne for when he is traveling for work (not spraying in the house) . I encourage you if you’re going through this IVF process to consider making some shifts in your home. These toxins are what you breathe in/ sleep 7-9 hours in and absorb into the largest organ on your body— the skin.
Why I detoxed?
Keep in mind when you go through your egg retrieval and your egg transfer the paperwork from your Dr. clearly states DO NOT wear lotion or perfume as it can KILL the embryo— this rule applies to your +1 that accompanies you (aka my husband) also cannot wear any FRAGRANCE as it can kill the embryo… so my logic is, let’s keep up this non toxic theme even after transfer as fragrance is toxic and can be absorbed into your skin.
Fragrance in the USA..
fragrances are highly toxic. Fragrances commonly contain phthalates, which are chemicals that help the scents last longer. Health risks for phthalates are startling and include cancer, human reproductive and developmental toxicity, endocrine disruption, birth defects & respiratory problems.
These toxic villains are very hard to avoid because manufacturers are not required to list them on ingredient labels.
1st Ultrasound at 5 weeks and 5 days on Valentines Day.
2/14/23 We got to see your heart beat on the screen, my eyes immediately filled with tears and my heart so happy it could burst. Baby boy egg yolk sac you are doing so good and we are already so proud of you! The next ultrasound is scheduled at 8 weeks, which we will be able to hear your heart beat!
3/7/23 8 week ultrasound
I am ultra nervous for this appointment because I noticed my symptoms were weaker the past week. For example, I had more energy and I was less nauseous.
After changing into the robe and putting my feet up the Dr. begins the ultrasound— as soon as she looks in my uterus I can tell something is wrong— where was healthy baby boy? She states “before I say anything I need to look around a bit more”. Our baby boy passed onto heaven around 6-7 weeks. Tears fill my eye sockets as my worst nightmare happens, again for the 2nd time. Loss, heartbreak, miscarriage, infertility.
A note to my son: I fell in love with you and everything you would be one day. I dreamt of all the love, faith and understanding of this world that would be poured into you.
Today at our 8week ultrasound we found out you made it to heaven👼🏼
Although I am heartbroken, because I selfishly wanted you here… I know Gods timing is perfect and true.
We love you with every inch of our heart baby boy. See you in Heaven, Mom & Dad♥️

We truly hope this article gives you a sense of hope or healing. Click here to join our private facebook group "IVF WARRIORS" for additional support: Stay connected: @moderndayholistic on IG, Pinterest, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Linkedin & Etsy!