Post my Jan 2021 twenty week miscarriage, I stopped blogging and shut down “mommy amazon reviews” as I ran into major life threatening complications and mentally wasn’t ready to share anything that was happening to me.
I am digging deep into the scariest moment of my life to discuss what happened, in hopes if any one else experiences this— they go to the hospital right away.
The misoprostol pills didn’t work, I barely bled. The doctor scheduled a D&C to prevent infection, if you’re reading this you already know what that is. For those of you who may not know, a D&C stands for dilation and curettage, which refers to the dilation of the cervix and surgical removal of part of the lining of the uterus and/or contents of the uterus by scraping and scooping. You are fully sedated for this procedure.
Within 3 days post D&C I was bed ridden with fever, the sweats and I had severe stomach pains.
I called my aunt Tracy who is a nurse and she instructed my husband to rush me to the ER. Signs of infection flooded over my entire body and the Doctors called an emergency 2am D&C to clean out what my primary Dr. had MISSED.
2 D&C’s in the same week- my poor uterus. I was lucky to have caught the infection in time before sepsis became an issue. I couldn’t walk and barely ate for that week while the hospital pumped my body with pain meds and strong antibiotics. The antibiotics we prayed, were to minimize the abscess (infection) that was growing on top of my uterus from the infection.. or else a 3rd surgery would have been scheduled.

It’s 1 year later from this traumatic experience, what was supposed to be a happy pregnancy turned dark— reeking in loss, pain and sadness. The plant pictured above was gifted to me during my stay at the hospital from my Aunt Tracy— I still have her and she is thriving in our home. Thank you aunt Tracy not only for the plant and organic fruit but for being my guardian angel, If you hadn’t told me that evening to go to the hospital, I don’t know what the outcome would have been. I love you very very much.
This infection took a toll on my mind, body & soul. The double D&C created so much scar tissue that I no longer can get pregnant naturally. My fallopian tubes are COMPLETELY blocked with scar tissue.
Even though it was bad news, after bad news— I remain faithful and hopeful for the future— that He has a plan.
My husband and I are about to start our IVF journey, 6 medications, 36+ at home hormone shots and a lot of patience while traveling to and from the fertility clinic— but it’s a blessing that In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is an option for our family. In vitro fertilisation is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm in vitro. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from her ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a culture medium in a laboratory.
I am looking forward to one day holding my mini and starting the family i’ve always dreamed of.
& lastly, Ladies, if you find yourself in the unfortunate event of a miscarriage (or unsure if you are miscarrying) please call your primary OBGYN asap— do not wait. A uterus infection physically is very painful on top of the obvious mental pain you are already going through.
Don’t lose hope. Have faith. God is good!

We truly hope this article gives you a sense of hope or healing. Click here to join our private facebook group "IVF WARRIORS" for additional support: Stay connected: @moderndayholistic on IG, Pinterest, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Linkedin & Etsy!